Retrieve List Subscribers (get)
//example PHP code to get list subscribers by criteria
//set values of list subscribers to get
$url_params['id']="ID_HERE"; //Id of the list to return subscribers for.
//Optional fields commented out below:
//$url_params['sortBy']="SORTBY_HERE"; //Column to sort results by. Values: email,firstname,lastname,phone_mobile,createdate
//$url_params['sortDirection']="SORTDIRECTION_HERE"; //Direction to sort results by. Values: asc or desc
//$url_params['searchFields']="SEARCHFIELDS_HERE"; //Field or comma-delimited list of fields to search on. Values: email,firstname,lastname,phone_mobile
//$url_params['searchValue']="SEARCHVALUE_HERE"; //Value to search for.
//$url_params['start']="START_HERE"; //Control paging of lists, defaults to 1st page of data (page 0)
//$url_params['limit']="LIMIT_HERE"; //Control paging of lists, number of lists to return with each call, defaults to 100 (max=100000)
$url = '';
$url = sprintf("%s?%s", $url, http_build_query($url_params));
//Uses CURL, GET Request
$curl = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 100);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$result = curl_exec ($curl);
curl_close ($curl);
echo $result;
//Parse the json to get return values.
$parsed_result = json_decode($result,false);
echo "<br><br>Status: $parsed_result->status";
echo "<br>Message: $parsed_result->message";
echo "<br>Error Code: $parsed_result->errorcode";
echo "<br>Error Message: $parsed_result->errormessage";
echo "<br># of Subscribers that match criteria: ";
echo $parsed_result->data->totalrowcount;
echo "<br>Subscriber ID: ";
echo $parsed_result->data->data[0]->id;
echo "<br>Subscriber Email: ";
echo $parsed_result->data->data[0]->email;
echo "<br>Subscriber ID: ";
echo $parsed_result->data->data[1]->id;
echo "<br>Subscriber Email: ";
echo $parsed_result->data->data[1]->email;
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