Create newsletter articles that you will be able to insert into your newsletters. These will be added to the article section of your newsletter template when you create a newsletter.
- Open the Newsletters folder.
- Click Newsletter Articles.
- Click Add Article.
- Enter a Title that will display as the article's subject in the newsletter.
- Select a Section to categorize the article (optional).
- Enter a Name for internal reference (optional).
- Enter an Author's name which can be displayed in the newsletter.
- Select a Folder where you would like this article saved.
- You can paste an image URL into the Thumbnail URL field (This will replace the %%thumbnailurl%% variable in your template).
- Choose to enable any of the following options.
- Link as Anchor: allows your newsletter to link.
- Always Show on Master List: allows your newsletter to always be displayed on the master list.
- Do Not Show in TOC: allows your newsletter to show in the Table of Contents.
- Enter the article content in the Abstract tab: this is the content that will appear in the generated newsletter email.
- Select where you'd like to have the "read more" link go:
- Enter a Link to URL: Enter a URL starting with http:// or https:// and the article will link directly to your website.
- Otherwise enter a full version of the article in the HTML Page tab to link to an HTML page generated by our system. A landing page will be generated automatically with the full content.
Note: the HTML Page tab content must be longer than the Abstract content for it to generate a landing page to be used as a read more link.
- Save your changes to the article.
Next Step: Learn how to Create a Newsletter message.
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