Creating lists will help you organize subscribers for quick and easy email sends. A subscriber list is a group of subscribers that are associated with the list, such as a Current Customer List and a Prospective Customer List. A subscriber can be on one or many lists simultaneously.
To create a list, you can add a normal list, import into a list, or add a dynamic list.
Add a List
- Open the Subscribers & Lists folder and click Lists
- Click the Add List button at the top of the grid and select the type Static (select SMS if you are creating a new SMS list or Dynamic to create a Dynamic List)
- Enter a List Name
- Add an optional description for internal reference
- Save the list in a specific folder (defaults to the main Lists folder)
- Check Show on subscription center if you would like subscribers to be able to change preferences for this list on the profile center page
- The Position is used to order lists shown on the profile center page
- Click Save and Close
Import into a List
You can create a new list and import into it by opening the Subscribers & Lists folder and clicking Import. Click Import into a New List. Then name it and import into this new list.
For more information, read the Wiki article called Importing a List.
Create a Dynamic List
There are two types of lists in Critical Impact - static and dynamic. A static list is a list that you upload and members of that list can only be added/deleted by importing additional records into that specific list. Dynamic lists however do not require that any data be uploaded into that specific list. Instead, you simply define rules which tell the list which records should be included, and the list is built "dynamically" by Critical Impact based upon those rules.
Any subscriber who meets the criteria of the dynamic list will be included at the time of send. Therefore, dynamic lists will generally use more up-to-date data than regular lists, and as the name implies, dynamic lists can change regularly based upon the number of records which match the rules of the list.
To create a dynamic list:
- Open the Subscribers & Lists folder and click Lists
- Click the Add Dynamic List button at the top of the grid
- Select the lists you want to use as a basis for your dynamic list
- Create rules to filter these lists
For more information, please read the Create a Dynamic List WIki article.
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