With Critical Impact’s Google Analytics integration, you can harness incredibly rich website tracking data for each of your email subscribers who visit your website. After setting up the Google Analytics integration and sending a few campaigns, you should see some dynamic list list rules in the category "GA Pageview Data."
Note: If you don't see these dynamic list rule options, please contact your account administrator who should be able to enable these in your account.
Here are some examples of rules you can create with this data.
1) Segment Subscribers by Time Spent on Site
- In your dynamic list, add a GA Pageview Data rule for Time on Page (in seconds)
- Use an integer comparison operator like the following:
- is equal to
- is greater than
- is less than
- Type a number into the text field for the number of seconds you'd like to query.
- For example, you could say: "Time on Page is greater than 600." This would pull in people who've spent more than 600 seconds (10 min) on your website.
2) Segment Subscribers by Pages Viewed
- In your dynamic list, add a GA Pageview Data rule for Pageview URL Path
- Use a text comparison operator like the following:
- is equal to
- contains
- begins with
- ends with
- Type in a text value for a specific page path on your website.
- For example, you could say: "Pageview URL Path contains /register." This would pull in people who viewed a web page with a URL containing the keyword "/register."
3) Segment Subscribers by Goal Completions
- In your dynamic list, add a rule for GA Goal Completions: Goal Number.
- Use the operator "is equal to."
- Type in the number of the GA goal you'd like to look into, which will be a value between 01 and 20.
- Add another rule connected with AND to your first rule.
- Select the rule for GA Goal Completions: Numeric Value for a Specific Goal Completion.
- Use an integer comparison operator like the following:
- is equal to
- is greater than
- is less than
- For example, you could say: "Numeric Value for a Specific Goal Completion is greater than 100"
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