When you have a very important message, you may want to try resending it to those who didn't open the message the first time. You can create a dynamic list of subscribers who didn't open a recent message. Then select this list as the "send to" list when resending the message. Please note, it's recommended to change up the message content and subject line a little bit, instead of sending the same exact message to the same subscriber multiple times.
Build Your Did Not Open List
To create the dynamic list:
- Open the Subscribers & Lists folder and click Lists
- Click the Add List button at the top of the grid and then select the type Dynamic
- At the top, select the list(s) you want to use as a basis for your dynamic list. In this case, you want to select the same subscribers that were sent the first message.
- Create rules to find all of the inactive subscribers:
- Select the first drop down option under Subscriber Interaction By Job: Did not open
- Click Select Jobs: Check the box next to the specific send that you want to target.
- Enter the number of days back you would like to check for subscribers who haven't opened a message. (Ex: "in the past 30 days")
- Select the first drop down option under Subscriber Interaction By Job: Did not open
- Click Save Rules
- To view the approximate list count from the specified rules, click Save and Show List Count
Send to the Did Not Open List
When sending a message, check the box next to the dynamic did not open list (created in the steps above) to send to that list.
Please note: dynamic lists will continue to update and send to those who match the criteria of the list at send time. This means that if you schedule to send to the dynamic list a week from today, the list will check next week at "send time" to see who still has not opened the first message.
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