Get More Data on Email Referral Traffic to Your Website
When sending a message with Google Analytics™ Link Tracking enabled, you will be able to see how much of your website traffic came from clicking on a link to your website from an email message. Our system will automatically add parameters to the URLs in the message that can help you identify where your website traffic came from. When a subscriber clicks a link in your message, these parameters are sent to your Google Analytics report, which makes it possible to analyze how much of your website traffic came from subscribers clicking a link from your message campaign.
Step One: Send message with Google Analytics™ link tracking enabled
- Click Send Message inside the Message folder
- Select a message and double click to send
- Enter information as you would for a normal email send (Learn more: Send a Message)
- Advanced Options: To view, click the arrow next to "Advanced Options" and then check the checkbox to enable Google Analytics™ Link Tracking
Campaign Name: add a name for the send, preferably with no spaces and less than 50 characters in length
Source: automatically populated with the email name. If there isn't any email name saved, it uses the subject (both are cut off at 50 characters)
Medium: automatically populated with "email"
Click Next
Send the message
Note: Our system's link tracking is enabled even if the analytics campaign tracking is not.
Step Two: View Google Analytics™ Tracking Report
Now when you view your Google Analytics™ report, you will be able to sort the web traffic based on the analytics campaign tracking. For help finding this information in your Google Analytics™ account, please view their support website:
How Google Analytics™ Link Tracking Works
Google Analytics link tracking lets you use the following variables at the end of links: utm_medium, utm_source, and utm_campaign
When you use the Google Analytics Tracking option on an email send, the links will have these parameters automatically added:
- utm_medium is always "email"
- utm_source is either the Email Name, or if there isn't an email name saved, it uses a url safe version of the Subject (both are cut off at 50 characters)
- utm_campaign is the Campaign name typed into the text box on the email send screen
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