The RSS tool takes content from your blog (or any RSS feed) and sends it as a message to your subscribers automatically. The RSS driven campaign will check daily to see if anything has been added to your RSS feed in the past 24 hours. If there's new content, the message will be automatically created and sent out.
Create an RSS Template
You can customize your message template for the RSS Schedule using RSS feed Merge Tags:
Merge Tag
<!-- cirssstart --> | Start the loop of the RSS feed |
<!-- cirsstitle --> | Subject of an entry in each loop |
<!-- cirsscontent --> | Content of an entry in each loop |
<!-- cirssrsslink --> | Link of an entry in each loop |
<!-- cirssimageurl --> |
The thumbnail image of an entry in each loop |
<!-- cirssend --> | End the loop of the RSS feed |
Please click here to see the full list of RSS feed merge tags.
Basic RSS Feed Loop
This will loop through the RSS feed and display the articles
<!-- cirssstart -->
<h1><a href="<!-- cirssrsslink -->"><!-- cirsstitle --></a></h1>
<!-- cirsscontent --><br />
<a href="<!-- cirssrsslink -->"><img src="<!-- cirssimageurl -->"
style="border:0; line-height:100%; max-width:612px; outline:none;
text-decoration:none; vertical-align:bottom" width="175"></a>
<a title="<!-- cirsstitle -->" href="<!-- cirssrsslink -->">Read More »</a>
<br />
<!-- cirssend -->
Basic RSS Feed Loop with Table of Contents
This example will loop through the RSS feed twice: first for a table of contents, and then for the RSS articles
<!-- cirssstart -->
<li><a href="#<!-- cirssentrynumber -->"><!-- cirsstitle --></a></li>
<!-- cirssend -->
<!-- cirssstart -->
<p><a name="<!-- cirssentrynumber -->"></a><a href="<!-- cirssrsslink -->"><!-- cirsstitle --></a></p>
<p>Published: <!-- cirsspublisheddate --> <!-- cirsspublisheddatetime --> <!-- cirsstimezone --></p>
<p><!-- cirsscontent --></p>
<!-- cirssend -->
Insert Advertisements Between RSS Articles
This example will insert different advertisements into the loop, after the 4th and after the 8th article.
<!-- cirssstart -->
<p><a name="<!-- cirssentrynumber -->"></a><a href="<!-- cirssrsslink -->"><!-- cirsstitle --></a></p>
<p>Published: <!-- cirsspublisheddate --> <!-- cirsspublisheddatetime --> <!-- cirsstimezone --></p>
<p><!-- cirsscontent --></p>
<!-- cirssinsertstart 4 -->
<tr><td>Ad 1</td></tr>
<!-- cirssinsertend -->
<!-- cirssinsertstart 8 -->
<tr><td>Ad 2</td></tr>
<!-- cirssinsertend -->
<!-- cirssend -->
Customize Each Article Layout
You have the ability to customize how each RSS article looks. For example, you could show images with the first couple of main articles, but have the rest show as a list of links. The example below will display entries 1 through 4 with thumbnail images and text, but articles 5 through 8 will be a simple list with no images.
<!-- cirssstart 1 4 -->
<img src="<!-- cirssimageurl -->" alt="<!-- cirsstitle -->" height="100" width="100">
<p><a name="<!-- cirssentrynumber -->"></a><a href="<!-- cirssrsslink -->"><!-- cirsstitle --></a></p>
<p>Published: <!-- cirsspublisheddate --> <!-- cirsspublisheddatetime --> <!-- cirsstimezone --></p>
<p><!-- cirsscontent --></p>
<!-- cirssend -->
<!-- cirssstart 5 8 -->
<p><a name="<!-- cirssentrynumber -->"></a><a href="<!-- cirssrsslink -->"><!-- cirsstitle --></a></p>
<p>Published: <!-- cirsspublisheddate --> <!-- cirsspublisheddatetime --> <!-- cirsstimezone --></p>
<!-- cirssend -->
Create an RSS Schedule
After creating the RSS message template, you can select this message in the RSS Schedule setup screen.
- Open the Tools folder in the left menu, then click RSS Schedule (Note: if you do not see the RSS Schedule option and would like to use it, please contact your account administrator)
- Click Create
- In the RSS schedule setup, select the RSS message you created with the RSS template code above
- Add the message details like subject and from address
- Select a list to send the RSS messages
- Enter the full URL for the RSS feed URL (including the http://)
- Select the max number of entries to include in each message sent out
- Click Preview to view the message that will be created from the RSS feed
- Select the send frequency (daily/weekly/monthly) and time of day to send the message
- Once everything is set up, change the status to Active. This will make the RSS Schedule live.
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